My Technique

I have dedicated myself to the study and perfection of the Blair Upper Cervical technique. It is a truly unique approach to chiropractic and health.

doctor gildbert x-ray

I chose to study this method of chiropractic for two reasons. 1) I was looking for a way to adjust my patients were the benefits they received in my office would last longer than a few days. I came to understand that the real power of Upper Cervical chiropractic was not in the “getting of an adjustment” but rather the period of time were you did not need to get adjusted. This “Period of Holding” your adjustment was when you actually received the benefit and real healing took place. 2) I had had too many perspective patients shy away from the wonders of chiropractic because they were afraid of idea of getting their necks twisted, popped, or cracked. Although general chiropractic techniques are wonderful, I chose to focus on a method that was low force. This took the fear right out of people.

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Please take the time to enjoy a simple explanation of Upper Cervical Chiropractic as prepared by one of my mentors, Daniel Clark, DC…

What You Can Do to Get Well and Stay Well without Drugs and Painkillers

The Secret of Brain to Body Communication

One of the world’s best kept secrets – the key to enjoying a better quality of life – and living pain free without the use of drugs is within your reach. 

The secret is a relatively unknown yet simple scientific procedure that maintains head and neck alignment which in turn, allows the brain to communicate efficiently with all parts of the body without interference. The secret is best known as UPPER CERVICAL CORRECTIVE HEALTH CARE.

The human body is a complex creation with a phenomenal ability to heal itself – given the right conditions.

The brain, like a powerful computer system controls and monitors all bodily functions. Brain messages; signals from the brain to the body are the medium used to communicate instructions from the brain to the different body parts. These brain messages move in a vast network of connections, our nervous system, which allows the brain to communicate with even the most remote part of the body.

A vast and complex network

  • This vast network of connections shuttles millions of health and healing messages per second back and forth to all parts of the body.
  • These messages govern the thousands of functions that keep our body operational.
  • We can’t feel the messages. We can’t see them, but we know they exist. It’s these messages that keep the heart pumping blood, the lungs taking in air, the stomach digesting food – and the thousands of biological functions occurring continuously in the body.
  • Every one of these messages passes through a small area of the neck at the point where the head and neck join.  It’s a critical area in the brain’s communication pathway for sending its health and healing messages down the spinal cord, out over the nervous system to all parts of the body.

Atop this critical area sits the head. The head weighs between 8 and 14 lbs and rests in a delicate balance at the top of the spine. The head must remain perfectly balanced and in alignment on top of the neck to prevent any interference in brain to body communication.



Brain messages control all body functions!

That part of the body that fails to receive proper brain messages cannot function in a normal manner.


There are many ways this critical head/neck area can become misaligned; a fall, an accident, a bump on the head, bad sleeping habits or poor posture. Misalignment can even occur during the birth process. Forceps used as a birthing aid, or a simple twist of the head during delivery can bring on misalignment!  Any type of misalignment, regardless of how it occurred, restricts or distorts brain to body messages in this critical area at the top of the neck. Left unchecked this misalignment can cause pain and symptoms  to develop and increase during one’s lifetime.



When the head is shifted off the center of the top of the neck and held in a misaligned position by muscles of the neck, it can prevent brain health and healing messages from getting through to some part of the body.

Regardless of how misalignment occurs, it can prevent the body from sending “S.O.S.” messages to the brain when in need of help.  That part of the body that cannot effectively communicate with the brain will begin to develop symptoms and health problems.

These health problems will grow worse until the misalignment (bottleneck) is corrected and effective brain to body communication is restored.


how to fix

The Upper Cervical Doctor’s specialty is THE UPPER CERVICAL SPINAL CORRECTION, which is barely felt by the patient, requires NO forceful pulling, twisting or jerking motion of the neck.

It is specifically designed to correct head/neck misalignment, to restore body balance, and to re-activate brain communication to the areas affected by misalignment.  As soon as the correction is made, muscles begin to relax, blood and oxygen circulation increases, the immune system gains strength and vitality and the body’s natural, self-healing process begins.

This natural self-healing process continues as long as the head/neck alignment is maintained and the brain can communicate without interference to all parts of the body.


Since the body has self-healing properties, WE SHOULD GIVE IT MORE ATTENTION because many of our daily activities can cause misalignment to occur. Upper Cervical Doctors are committed to help patients maintain head/neck alignment in order to prevent any interference in brain to body communication.

To keep functioning without illness and pain, our bodies need periodic checkups.  Just as we visit our doctor and dentist for regular checkups, checking for and correcting misalignment is the secret of insuring a better quality of life, retaining good health, and living pain free.

Upper Cervical preventive and corrective health care is truly one of the world’s best kept secrets.  It is a natural and effective way to living pain free without the use of drugs and is safe and effective for people of all ages.

Copyright © 2006 Daniel O. Clark, D.C.

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